20 years ago Paul bought his first van (1978 VW Bus Westfalia) and from that point he was hooked. Through the ups and downs of driving an antique vehicle he began to "learn" the ways of vanlife. He fixed his van out of necessity to stay on the never ending adventure. Today his family is "part-time" in their FreedomVessel and over the years Paul has restored/owned/travelled in about 20 different vans. This website is a place you can learn, be inspired, and follow some of that lifestyle.
It's a family van, man!
Paul coined the word "freedom vessel" and started #freedomvessel on Instagram in 2014. He has been restoring, traveling, and building camper vans, vintage trailers, and other lifestyle vehicles for most of his life. He spent 10 years in the San Diego craft beer industry, and is a published writer, photographer, brand ambassador, and father of two boys.
He co-owns a vintage trailer photo booth company with his beautiful wife.